Taste of Recovery

Rape changes us all


You tell the world you are fine. You tell yourself you are coping. But inside you feel fragile and broken. You numb yourself to the pain. What more should you expect? This is just how life is now, isn't it? Not necessarily.

The ReConnected Life Taste of Recovery will help you move beyond merely coping, one day at a time. It will help you take control of your reality, and become your own rescuer.

Delivered as an online course, the ReConnected Life Taste of Recovery will provide you with all the essential tools so that you can begin or continue your healing journey. Through this guided self-help you will become empowered to have self-compassion, to rescue yourself from fear, and to build the foundations for your ReConnected Life.

For a really long time I felt like I was having to figure out what the things were that I could be doing to make myself feel better all by myself. I don't want you to be feeling lost that way too. So, I've collected and curated the things that I think will be the MOST USEFUL for you in your recovery.

These techniques are drawn from my years of one-to-one counselling, group therapy, psychiatric treatment, my coaching training, my neuro-linguistic programming skills, and my extensive reading over all the years of my recovery path. I'm confident your recovery path can be short-circuited, and that by applying these lessons you will feel more in control and on the way to feeling much better.

When we're struggling with the every day, when we're holding onto a lot of self-blame and shame, when we're feeling at war with ourselves with the panic attacks and lack of sleep, even surviving can feel like an uphill struggle. We're coping, but we're coping by numbing our emotions and as we can't selectively numb our emotions, we're closing ourselves off to joy and laughter as well. We're coping, but we're coping by choosing to stay home, and not venture out where we might be unsafe, where others might judge us, where we can't be in control our surroundings. We're coping, but we're frightened that one day we might not. We're coping but we're living a very narrow life.

You want more. I know I did. 

Rape does not need to be a life sentence.
Let me guide you to to the start of your ReConnected Life.


Taste of Recovery is an online mini-course, available in full from your learning portal from the moment you sign up.

In the past it was delivered daily over 3 weeks, and the videos refer to this, but you'll have access to the whole programme from day one, with no time limit to complete it. You can dip in and out, follow in order, or even go backwards. Whatever is right for you. You're in control. 

Each lesson is crafted to allow you to consume the material in easily-digestible snippets. No mini-class is longer than 20 minutes. You can watch or listen at your own pace, in your own comfort.

Rape does not need to be a life sentence.
Let me guide you to the start of your ReConnected Life.

  Endorsed by RSVP in 2017, and since by another 15 organisations (and counting!)

Taste of Recovery is licensed by organisations supporting survivors of sexual violence and offered for free to their service users. If you live in one of these charities' areas, join their list, and access for free. 

Taste of Recovery

We have all been hurt, and we all need to heal.

When we are empowered with the knowledge of WHY we are feeling the way we are feeling, WHY we responded the way we responded, WHY our body and our mind are seemingly betraying us, then we can re-build our self-compassion, and let go of that self-blame.

When we are equipped with the knowledge of HOW to rescue ourselves from our panic attacks and anxiety, when we know that we DON'T need to rely on others, when we know that we CAN rely on ourselves, then we can start to stop cutting ourselves off from life and living.

When we practice self-care rituals that everyday build our internal strength and resilience, then we begin to RECONNECT into our body, into our relationships, into our world. We learn how to manage our own symptoms. We start to discover what recovery could mean. A light appears at the end of the tunnel. And it gets brighter.


  • 15 mini-classes,  covering material from the 3 parts of Recovery: Response, Rescue, and Resilience
  • Almost 4 hours of video content – also available as audio-only downloads
  • Over 40 different techniques or tips
  • A downloadable and printable workbook each week
  • Creation of your own safe place meditation with personalised mantra
  • Daily rituals records templates
  • Lifetime access to the learning

Love it! I've done all of the sessions now and there's so much there that really resonates with me and which will be really helpful. I now need to go back through some of the videos and my notes and select, develop and practice.


What I liked, and have since re-listened to bits of it, is that terms are explained, how the brain works etc so I understood more of what I was feeling how I reacted and acted. The listening was great for headphones and in the car on my own too to have privacy.


Are you ready to take back control of your life?


Available Now!

Work at your own pace.

Complete anonymity
and privacy.

Work in the comfort
of your own home.

Lifetime access.

£99  now £47

Got questions?

Book a no-obligation call, to ask questions and see if it's right for you.

Endorsed by RSVP, and 15 other organisations (and counting…)

Taste of Recovery is licensed by RSVP (the Rape & Sexual Violence Project in Birmingham & Solihull), and offered to their service users.

Do you represent an organisation supporting survivors of rape & sexual violence? Would you like to find out more about how you can also offer this programme to your service users? Taste of Recovery can be licensed from ReConnected Life so that you can ensure no-one is waiting for help, whilst they're waiting for help. 

No one should have to wait for help whilst they're waiting for help.

Stop surviving. Start living.

When you have recovered from the trauma,
and no longer let fear stop you from living;

When you have rediscovered who you are,
and have learnt to love yourself ‘after’;

When you have reconnected your mind to your body,
your future to your dreams, yourself to others;

Then you are living a life that is no longer broken;
no longer fragile, no longer in pieces.

You are living whole.
You are living a ReConnected Life.

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