Healing is happening
The ReConnected Life Experience
© ReConnected Life Ltd.
Choose your healing pathway
My wounds are raw and fresh. I need help to self-regulate and self-rescue from panic attacks. I feel like I’m deep in an abyss and it’s dark and lonely here. I want support and understanding and help to get ready for therapy.
ReDiscovery & ReConnection
You don’t need to do this alone.
I’ve got you.
What people say
It took a lot to pluck up the courage to deal with it, but when I started working with Emily, she immediately put me at ease. She has an incredible way of being present and listening, providing exactly the support I needed.
The most refreshing thing was not spending a lot of time dealing directly with the attack but putting it into the context of my whole life. I can’t begin to describe how healing this is, in allowing me to deal with all the emotions surrounding the attack and recognising all my strengths that I have been using since the attack.”
With her support, I found out, for the first time in my life, who I really am. I know how to put boundaries in place so I don't feel that I'm compromising myself or giving myself away. I've learnt skills and strategies to prevent the overwhelm and I'm a far, far happier person. She's taught me to love and accept who I am, and that's life changing. I'm now ready to take on the world.
Thank you.”
“She helped me more in 90 minutes than my therapist did in 2 years.”
Alice Coudene