

I want to live in a world where rape survivors feel free and reconnected with their life. Rape is something that happened to them, but it no longer consumes or defines them.

I want to live in a world where the conversation around rape has moved from blaming victims to condemning rapists. Free of stigma and shame, victims feel safe to report rape, knowing that courts will convict offenders and that they will be fully supported through all stages of their physical, mental and spiritual recovery. The result is a community of empowered survivors thriving and living full and joyful lives.

I want to live in a world where society doesn’t accept rape under any circumstances. The stigma and taboo that was once associated with being a rape survivor is now rightfully associated with the rapist. And as a result, rape just doesn’t happen.


Silence hurts.  Silence hurts survivors, keeping us feeling isolated, feeling alone.  Isolation feeds our fear and hampers our recovery. Silence hurts.

Silence hurts.  Silences hurts society, when the myths aren't challenged, when they are allowed to fester, they build.  The myths help society to feel safe, to believe that rape is rare, to believe it won't happen to them because they aren't ‘that kind of person', they don't know ‘that kind of monster.'  Silence hurts.

Silence hurts.  Silence hurts justice, discouraging survivors from reporting, encouraging the justice system to disbelieve, causing the rapist to believe they will get away with it. Silence hurts.

When we break the silence, we empower ourselves, and others.  When we break the silence, we cast light on the shadows and we bring the conversation into the open.  We need a paradigm shift in how we talk about rape, rape recovery, and rape prevention.  I am honoured to be one of many holding that candle into the shadows and talking.  I will talk, and talk hard, as loud and as often as I can.


It's my mission to break the silence, and speak for the silenced.  If you'd like me to comment, on the record, with the perspective of a rape survivor who's life purpose is now to help guide others through their recovery path, please get in touch.  I'd be delighted to support you in amplifying the conversation.

ReConnected Life holds a vital place in the world, as through Emily’s coaching and her lived experiences she gives hope to survivors that with the right support they can survive following devastating experiences of rape and sexual trauma. Additionally, she demonstrates to survivors and also to wider society that people can actually move beyond surviving to post traumatic growth. This important message of hope and recovery is an essential one and shows the world that people can carry on and thrive even after rape and sexual trauma.

Rape & Sexual Violence Project

It is essential that we support people who’ve experienced abuse beyond therapy, as there is much more to managing life post-trauma than handling the symptoms of PTSD. I’m excited that someone is finally offering coaching in this space and I look forward to seeing how ReConnected Life and the work Emily is doing can transform lives.


Sexual assault and abuse can have longstanding affects on sex, intimacy and relationships. It is fantastic that ReConnected Life aims to go beyond ‘recovery' from these experiences to also helping survivors to reclaim and reconnect with their lives and relationships.

I look forward to seeing how this programme develops and the positive impact it may have on reducing stigma, increasing awareness and helping survivors to move forward with their lives.

Back on Track Psychology

From the moment Emily told me what she was doing, and how she was planning to support survivors of rape, I knew that I had to be part of it. And having worked alongside her now for almost a year, I can tell you that what she has pulled together is one of the most comprehensive and well thought through programmes I've encountered – on any topic!

I sincerely hope that my daughters, sisters and girlfriends never experience the trauma of rape or sexual abuse. But if they do, I sincerely hope that they seek Emily's help sooner rather than later.

The Good Alliance

It's been my absolute pleasure to be part of Emily's journey to helping women so profoundly. It’s just not OK that anyone is raped, under any circumstance. I wholeheartedly believe that there needs to be a paradigm shift and Emily is one of the many women taking on board that challenge. I am grateful that she has stepped up to become a powerful voice for the too many women sharing this particular pain. Her passion for changing the world, for transforming lives, is contagious and inspirational. Her perspectives are insightful and her programs complete, and transformational.


I feel privileged to have met Emily and to have played a small part in helping her to get her message to the people who really need her. Her personal story of rape survival and getting her life to the place she is in now is beyond inspirational. She is absolutely on a mission to make sure that anyone who has suffered rape or sexual assault does not allow it to define the rest of their lives. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Emily. The world needs her.

The Extraordinary Coaching Company

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