Free Stuff


I want you to be able to have access now to the help you need.  That's why I've created these downloads that will help, support, and inspire you on your recovery path.

Safe Place Meditation

White brunette woman sitting on the end of a wooden pier, with a mug in her hand looking over the water.

Teach me

Relax and Unwind

Feeling safe is so important.  Calming our mind and our body from the constant undercurrent of fear & hyper-vigilance.

This 15 minute meditation will take you to your safe space, it will leave you feeling relaxed and empowered.

Download onto your phone, and take your safe place with you, everywhere.

I will also send you emails with tools and techniques to help your reconnected journey. You can unsubscribe anytime. For more details, review our Privacy Policy.

ReConnected Life Community

Image of a white brunette woman up close on her torso & lap. She is writing in a notebook/journal. It gives the impressions she is working through something on a path to recovery

Support and ReConnection

ReConnected Life Community is a survivors-supporting-survivors group on Facebook, and is totally free to join.

I will also send you emails with tools and techniques to help your reconnected journey. You can unsubscribe anytime. For more details, review our Privacy Policy.

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